Her Image Has Followed Me Throughout My Life
Our Lady of Guadalupe has shown up at all the really important moments of my life. While I was undergoing my conversion to Christ as a college student at UCLA, she was there. I remember preparing to go to reconciliation at a nearby church, and after I prayed a rosary in front of her image, I began smelling roses out of nowhere while I sat in line for the sacrament.
When I transferred to Franciscan University of Steubenville to finish my undergrad studies and grow in my Catholic faith, she was there in every chapel, silently praying for me. When I graduated and joined the Franciscans Friars the Renewal to discern priesthood and religious life, she was there again in each of the chapels (and on a 30 ft mural that was on the side of one of the Bronx NY friaries I lived in).
When I discerned out of the community and started dating my now wife, who was Protestant at the time, she revealed herself to her as a Mother on a date we went to on Dec 12 (her feast day). The girl serving us had a tattoo of our Lady of Guadalupe, which led to a beautiful conversation about Mother Mary, and even a time of speaking with her for the first time in prayer.
After we got married and were expecting our first born, Audrey, the doctor told us that her expected due date was on Dec 12 several months in advance. Nine days before that date, we started a novena asking her for the favor of welcoming our daughter on her feast day, and it was answered.
Today is my baby girl’s 4th birthday. As I look back on my life, I see how Our Lady has truly been a mother to me. She has always led me closer to her Son, Jesus Christ. She has one desire for my life: that my soul too would worship and “magnify the greatness of the Lord” (Luke 1:46) and that I would “do whatever he tells [me]” (John 2:5). Thank you for always loving me and my family, Mama.
Lucy M
Posted at 01:31h, 23 MayAaaww. So beautiful! I could feel the deep chills as I read every experience. Such deep love of our mother to you. I pray to experience her like that too.